Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Reading/ Language Arts

  1. Tomatosphere 
    1. Free material - joint project of Canada, NASA and Stokes seeds
    2. Research using a variety of sources to find out facts about tomatoes, growing cycles, determining important criteria to successfully grow plants.
    3. Using several sources, determine why this project is important to the future of space flights and how society will be affected by developing more effective growing methods.
    4. Using Venn Diagrams to compare and contrast the growth of plants over time, methods used to grow,  

  1. Space Foundation
    1. Alien
    2. Blabberize
      1. Class sample
    3. Audacity
  2. Stamps Plus
    1. Sentences
    2. Parts of Speech
    3. Themes
  3. NASA
    1. Straw Rockets
  4. National Postal Museum
    1. Owney
      1. Sequencing 
      2. Retelling
      3. Summarizing
      4. Cause and Effect
      5. Main Character/Idea 
Participant Resources: What are your favorite free teacher resources